So Many Fish, So LIttle Time

So Many Fish, So LIttle Time
My latest book - the top 1001 places on earth to fish

Friday, September 5, 2008

Amarillo Globe News outdoors

  • I'm back to writing again for the Amarillo Globe News ---- every Sunday, all about the outdoors. Everything from dove hunting to extreme outdoor sports and of course, angling.
  • Amy and I sold a book. We are proud to announce our first joint venture in the book world, a nice deal with Westcliffe Publishing, to write the book, Touring Colorado Wine Country.
  • Amy is now hooked up with Rocky Mountain Game and Fish: one article she just finished covers winter fishing at a trio of tailwaters --- the Uncompahgre, the Dolores and the Chama; she is also finishing up a piece on Sugarite Canyon State Park (Lakes Alice and Maloya --- no, she is not writing about that sweet little lake nearby.)