So Many Fish, So LIttle Time

So Many Fish, So LIttle Time
My latest book - the top 1001 places on earth to fish

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Book Signing, So Many Fish So Little Time

December 6th 11:00 a.m. Barnes and Noble, Amarillo Texas.

This'll be cool because I'm tying my book signing to my students' booksigning for their popular book, Voices From the Heights.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Speeches, Presentations and Panels

Been busy lately, what with taking care of Amy after her kidney surgery, and giving speeches (one to Expio/VisionForum re: State of Education in Amarillo) and panels (Sat. found me on a great panel for the Panhandle Professional Writers Association with Beth Duke, John Kanelis, Pat Tyree and good friend Dr. Mike Bellah, all of us rambling on about encouragement to about sixty writers who clapped and pretended to be excited.)
I need to brag on my North Heights kids too --- they run a coffeeshop at our high school and it counts for in-class credit for Marketing and Economics and Business classes. At the end of the year, the coffeeshop, Paparazzi, gives away over a thousand dollars to -- who else? The students who have gone to North Heights. Paparazzi worked the presentation I gave to VisionForum and served 50 folks coffee and espresso and such. Now for another couple of feathers in their respective caps: 10 last year, they published a book Voices From the Heights that is now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble (online and brick and mortar) and is sold from TExas to New Jersey to Denmark. We'll be giving our second book signing at Barnes and Noble December 6th. All profits go to the North Heights scholarship fund -- we've raised nearly 1000 bucks so far from sales.
Today -- Sunday -- was cool because in the Sunday paper, I found Amy's excerpt article on the front of the Lifestyles page (took up a half page and then continued later for another half page) and then in the Outdoors section, great buddy Chad McPhail had his turkey article. I also have a student -- Cylar Brown --- who sold an article to Southwest Fly Fishing on Spring Creek due out Jan 09 and then my nephew Chase had an article run in last edition of SWFF. Fun to see friends and family being published. Now to get Lance in print somewhere.