So Many Fish, So LIttle Time

So Many Fish, So LIttle Time
My latest book - the top 1001 places on earth to fish

Friday, July 11, 2008

Two weeks angling in sw colorado

The last few weeks -- fishing. Around fishing, grilling, hiking, a bit of wine, a bit of bourbon, a few cigars, some houseguests and lots of fishing. Junction Creek dodging runners and dogs and hikers with walking sticks. East Fork Hermosa where in four trips, we saw one other angler. Hermosa Creek which we fish in the afternoon as everyone else is walking out (great hatches then too.) Upper Florida River where the water was cold enough to turn my tan legs crimson while I fished throug a serious double hatch of mayfly and caddis.
My wife Amy caught ten trout in an afternoon of fishing East Fork H and Hermosa.
My sister Tammy caught her first cutthroat. She bought a shadow box and pinned the fly (a Goddard Caddis) inside. Her new gig is to save and publish every fly she catches fish on ---- I don't think she knows how much flies cost.
My neice Kay Kay caught four trout in two days. She's a true beginner and picked up flyfishing as fast as anyone I've taught.
Kay Kay's BFF Gabby cast well but never landed a trout. Disinterested is the word.
My buddy Chad caught 7 in a short afternoon of fishing E Fork H and Hermosa sandwiched around me losing my keys, finding out they were in the car, and Chad stretching his Stretch Armstrong long frame through the back zip on the soft top to open the Jeep.
The waters are in late June form which I like --- slightly high and clear and cold.
Going to Lake City for the next week to fish Henson and Lake Fork and South Clear Creek and Big Blue and Cebolla.

1 comment:

aShroyer said...

Hello Mark-

Like your blog. You have been busy. Many, many years ago I was a good friend of Dr. Mac and remember him talking about your first fly fishing book.

We are now living near Purgatory as the gatekeepers of Electra Lake. If you need some amazing lake fishing please let me know.

Take care...
